About Us
We are one of the preferred and admired Mutual Fund Distributor firms based out of Kolkata. With clients across the country and in Middle East, Singapore, Australia, Europe and USA.
Each of our two founding partners have more than two and a half decades of experience in the financial domain, which includes personal finance, valuation, treasury management, capital market, accounting & taxation and mutual fund
The team comprises of dedicated resources in services and operations, experienced relationship managers and support function for legal matters, taxation and compliance. We also work with institutions on Organisational Development and design interventions in corporate training on soft skills, behavioural. Sales and leadership and functional training on personal finance.
Approach to personal finance
Our approach to personal financial management is based upon ascertaining the following for our clients:
Plotting the Expense versus Income to establish the investible surplus.
Establish the risk appetite through our risk analysis tool to categorise the investor as one among conservative, moderate, moderately aggressive & aggressive.
Find out the current or existing way of managing his personal finance to organise all his financial assets & liabilities under one umbrella.
Mutually arrive at distinguishing between good to have & need to have when it comes to the expenses. The objective of this exercise is to explore the possibility of squaring off the liabilities, if any, subject to tax efficiency and to reduce the burden on escalating cost in maintaining the current standard of living. This exercise also helps the client to create a checklist for expenses that can be deferred and prioritise planned expenses.
Familiarise the client with the characteristics of the various asset classes namely debt, equity, commodities, real estate & structured products.
Find out the immediate short term financial requirements (1-3 years), medium term (3-5 years) & long term (5 - 10 years) to create a cash flow statement.
Initiate asset allocation after creating an emergency provision equivalent to 6 months of monthly expenses by parking it into a liquid / ultra-short/ short term debt fund.
Set up the portfolio review frequency to discuss the asset rebalancing opportunities, if any.
Keep the client posted about the factors affecting or influencing the investments.
Encourage the client to periodically reward himself for maintaining the discipline in his personal finance.
If you have any Personal Finance query, do write to us
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